Maha Tantra


Kundalini Sadhana

The power of Tantra to change ones energetic structure, to allow for the divine to manifest in oneself, in the form of awareness is unparalleled by any other practice. Using the secret knowledge of Tantrik Mantra Sadhana one is able to take a shortcut in evolution, allowing for a shorter and relatively effortless transformation into a tool of the divine. For the sake of oneself and all sentient beings, may all who come across this path come to their perfection.

The incomprehensible power of Mantra to change one's whole life, on all its levels from karma, mind and emotions to the physical level cannot be understood but only experienced. The mantras are sounds and words of power that, when properly activated by initiation, resonate with specific forces in the universe, and can make these forces become alive in the practitioner.

The mantras effect the human organism on all its levels; the karmic-causal, mental-emotional, energetic & physical. As the mantras themselves and the forces working behind them are coming from levels of existence which are beyond the mind (and will lead the aspirant beyond) it is quite impossible to use words and concepts (which are of the mind) to explain the way in which these mantras work. However their efficacy can easily be verified by practice, in a very short time powerful results are noticed.

The mantras are used ultimately in order to raise the kundalini energy from its seat in the base of the spine, Muladhara, to the apex of the skull, Sahasrara. When Kundalini has risen to Sahasrara one achieves the state of Samadhi.

How the mantras do this we cannot say as we ourselves do not comprehend it. Yet objectively all the signs of a kundalini rising are experienced. In the Kundalini Mudras of Hatha Yoga, Kundalini can be raised in a powerful way for a short time, giving rise to transient states of high consciousness. When using Maha Tantra Sadhanas, Kundalini rises slower, however any “state” achieved becomes a permanent shift in consciousness.



Before the student begins practice s/he must receive initiation into the mantras. Without initiation the mantras are near powerless. Often mantras which are used without initiation cause a negative effect on the being. Before receiving a Mantra the student must be examined by the Guru directly or else by remote means. After an examination of the student a fitting mantra can be given. This Mantra is individual and must be kept secret. 

The power invested in the Mantra is given by the Guru in a certain measure. This measure is designed to be enough to create the effects necessary in the student without it being too much. If the power is given with no limit, adverse physical, energetic, emotional and mental reactions will occur, as each individual system can only deal with a certain amount of energy. Since each individual is different from another, each individual will receive a mantra which is suitable for their energetic structure. The same mantra that is a life giving elixir for one practitioner can act as poison in another. 

The human being is a manifestation of the divine consciousness, this is always present within, however his or her structure may not be able to experience it due to “blockages” or “impurities” in the energetic system. In many cases these blockages are removed by the same Mantra that is given to raise ones Kundalini to Sahasrara, and it removes these as it rises.

However, in some cases such blockages or impurities are deep rooted and profound, and they are usually the cause for the failure of some practitioners to experience the effects that the different yoga and meditation techniques claim to give. The system is simply not responding to the technique as it normally should. And so such a practitioner may practice for years and achieve little, not knowing what s/he is doing wrong, or whether his or her teaching or teacher is a true one.

In such cases, the Guru will employ a combination of the advanced tantrik technologies of Yantra, Yagya, Kriya, and Sanskar to clear the energetic system.and allow for harmonious Kundalini rising and activation of the Chakras so one may receive maximum benefit from any spiritual practice.